The Platform for Global Culture

Totem allows fans to virtually attend their favorite shows around the world, fostering a connection with global communities

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Totem is a comprehensive solution for safeguarding local subcultures and musical diversity. Totem can provide:

  • Expanded Audience Reach: Attendance unbounded by proximity
  • Organic Revenue: Tap existing markets through innovative financial models
  • Global Community and Commerce: Facilitation of international commerce through equitable investments in community
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Product Components

Hugo is an all-in-one web framework for building fast, content-focused websites. It offers a range of exciting features for developers and website creators. Some of the key features are:

  • The Totem: A device installed in venues to bridge the virtual and physical realms, functioning as a broadcast and distribution tool.
  • The Brain: A tiny yet powerful server that synthesizes sensor data from the venue with the cloud.
  • Virtual Tickets: Offering virtual access to events.
  • VR Digital Twin: A virtual counterpart of a physical thing.
  • XR Experiences: Providing extended reality experiences.
  • Merchandise for Avatars: Offering virtual merchandise for online personas
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What Users Are Saying About Totem?

Don’t just take our word for it - hear from some of our satisfied users! Check out some of our testimonials below to see what others are saying about Hugoplate.

It was love at first BmchkachkabmBMMMchk… chkashikabmBMMM. Bmchkabmbmchk. Bmm BMMMM.
Tahnee G.

Tahnee G.

Digital Dream Creator

Veni vidi vici
Harmon A.

Harmon A.


Power to the poeple.
Barimah A.

Barimah A.

Steve Jobs 2.1

I have been trying to tell all of you that this is the future for TWO years now.
Michael B.

Michael B.
